Evaluation of Lake Trout Spawning Habitat at Lake Michigan's Mid-Lake Reef Complex

Grant: # 0962

Grant Amount: $299,424.00

Board Decision Year: 2008

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee - Great Lakes WATER Institute (Milwaukee)

Great Lakes WATER Institute

Janssen, John ([email protected]) (414) 382-1733

GLFT - Ecosystem Health and Sustainable Fish Populations-D - Ecological and biological fisheries research to inform management

Project Details

Lake Michigan's Mid-Lake Reef Complex (MLRC) was a very important spawning area for indigenous lake trout. Techniques developed for a concluding (June 2008) GLFT project demonstrate distinct smaller sub-reefs within each main reef, each with eggs deposited and sac-fry produced, of statistically distinguishable egg deposition densities. This study provided a more complete assessment of the MLRC's total spawning habitat by a targeted search for additional sub-reefs.


2008.0962 Final Report
View - 2008.962_FinalReport_01-31-13.pdf
2008.0962 GLFC 2012 Poster
View - JanssenGLFC2012Poster2.pdf
2008.0962 Presentation
View - 2008.962_WindmillPrint.pdf