Carlton Creek Culvert Removal

Grant: # 1260

Grant Amount: $85,000.00

Board Decision Year: 2012

Oceana County Road Commission (Hart)

Dutcher, Lisa ([email protected]) 231-873-4226

GLFT - Ecosystem Health and Sustainable Fish Populations-G - Habitat protection and restoration

Project Details

The Oceana County Road Commission replaced a perched corrugated metal pipe (CMP) culvert under Arthur Road where it crosses Carlton Creek, in Grant Township, Oceana County. The project team also restored the adjacent stream bank to decrease erosion as part of the effort. The restoration of this waterway restored a fish passage from the North Branch of the White River, upstream to its headwaters in New Era, roughly nine stream miles.


1260 Pre Restoration Photos
View - 2012.1260_Pre_Restoration_Photos.pdf
1260 Final Report
More information about this project is available through the final report.
View - 2012.1260_Carlton_Creek_Culvert_Final_Report.pdf