Menomonee River Fish Barrier Removal Project

Grant: # 1343

Grant Amount: $25,000.00

Board Decision Year: 2013

Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (Milwaukee)

Shafer, Kevin ([email protected]) 414-225-2088

GLFT - Ecosystem Health and Sustainable Fish Populations-G - Habitat protection and restoration

Project Details

This project completed a large scale fish passage and stream habitat improvement and restoration project on the Monomonee River within the Milwaukee Estuary Area of Concern. The project removed five manmade barriers to fish in Milwaukee county, WI. The five channel locations were modified through bioengineering to restore natural hydraulic function and to improve habitat by mimicking the pool and riffle sequences of the natural river system.


GLFT Project Profile
Project Profile Menomonee River Barrier Removal Project
View - Great_LAkes_Fisheries_Trust_Project_Profile.doc
GLFT Project report Final
Menomonee River final report
View - Great_Lakes_Fisheries_Trust_Final_Report.doc