Spanning the Jordan River - Chestonia Bridge Project
Grant: # 1564
Grant Amount: $100,000.00
Board Decision Year: 2015
Conservation Resource Alliance - Grandview Plaza Building (Traverse City)
Grandview Plaza Building
Balke, Kimberly ([email protected]) 231-946-6817
2015 Habitat Protection and Restoration: Targeted Land and Capital Efforts (Including Barrier Removal) - Habitat protection and restoration
Project Details
The Chestonia Bridge project involved 20 partner entities completing the replacement of the Old State Road twin 16’ wide culverts on the Jordan River with a fully spanning 90’ long concrete I-beam bridge. The previous culverts were aging and significantly undersized, thus causing pool formation at the inlet and outlet, embankment erosion, and increasing stream velocities five-fold, which prevented the passage of aquatic life at different life stages and stream flows. The new bridge fully reconnects 48 miles of river and tributaries to the Jordan mainstem and Lake Charlevoix downstream, and restores the natural stream dynamics.
Final Report
View - 2015.1564_Final_report.pdf |
View - 2015.1564_Photos.pdf |