Investing in Success: Great Lakes Restoration Project by Project

Grant: # 1599

Grant Amount: $99,996.27

Board Decision Year: 2015

National Wildlife Federation - Great Lakes Regional Office (Ann Arbor)

Great Lakes Regional Office

Hill, Jennifer ([email protected]) 734-887-7104

2015 Special Projects - Special Projects

Project Summary

The Healing Our Waters-Great Lakes Coalition (HOW) has completed this project as part of the Coalition’s Implementation Grant Program. The project supported work by the Coalition to continue a small grants program which provides funding to local organizations to build needed capacity to leverage federal dollars for Great Lakes restoration projects from the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) and to illustrate the ecological and economic benefits of restoration. In 2016, the grant program successfully awarded 17 grants to local organizations for projects addressing (but not limited to) stream and wetland habitat restoration, invasive species, and fish passage in eight priority areas across the Great Lakes.


FInal Report
View - GLFT_Profile_and_Narrative_Report_FINAL.pdf
Healing Our Waters RFP
View - 2016-HealingOurWaters-RFP.pdf
HOW Funded Projects
View - 2016_HOW_Awards_FINAL.pdf
HOW Program Outcomes
View - Implementation-Grant-Program-Outcomes-and-Successes-Report-v3-FINAL.pdf