River Revitalization Education Support

Grant: # 1762

Grant Amount: $65,000.00

Board Decision Year: 2017

Grand Valley State University - Center For Educational Partnerships (Grand Rapids)

Center For Educational Partnerships

Pelon, Clayton ([email protected]) 616-331-6813

2018 Great Lakes Stewardship - Other Great Lakes Stewardship

Project Details

The Great Lakes Fishery Trust (GLFT) provided funding to the Grand Valley State University (GVSU) Center for Educational Partnerships in support of the River Revitalization Education (RRES) project, which developed scalable and replicable tools aligned with the Michigan Science Standards/Next Generation Science Standards that will continue to support educators teaching about the Grand River and the associated restoration effort. Groundswell, a hub of the Great Lakes Stewardship Initiative housed at the GVSU College of Education, lead the initiative with support from project partners. The RRES grant partners— the Grand Valley Metropolitan Council, Kent Innovation High School, WGVU Public Media, and the GVSU College of Education—subsidized K–12 stewardship projects and outdoor experiences for students, hosted teacher professional development sessions that supported Grand River revitalization efforts, and created multimedia place-based curriculum materials, which are hosted at https://wgvu.pbslearningmedia.org/collection/river-re-wilding-evaluating-impacts-on-ecosystems-and-communities/ and https://www.gvsu.edu/groundswell/lesson-plans-54.htm. The teacher professional development sessions are available on Groundswell’s website and YouTube channel so that educators can continue to benefit from the products of the grant. The RRES grant has created resources that will involve educators and schools in the effort to revitalize the Grand River and create a deeper connection to the river in the broader community.


Final Report
View - 1._2017.1762_GVSU_Final_Report.pdf
Case Studies
View - 2._2017.1762_GVSU_RRES_Case_Studies.pdf
"Take a Stand" Presentation
View - 3._1.2_Take_a_Stand_-_Grand_River_Revitalization_Presentation.pdf
Lesson Materials