Characterization of olfactory imprinting to inform restoration of lake sturgeon in the Great Lakes
Grant: # 1785
Grant Amount: $217,128.57
Board Decision Year: 2018
Michigan State University - Department of Fisheries and Wildlife (East Lansing)
Department of Fisheries and Wildlife
Li, Weiming ([email protected]) (517) 432-6705
2018 Ecosystem Health and Sustainable Fish Populations: Ecological and Biological Research to Inform Management - Ecological and biological fisheries research to inform management
Project Summary
We hypothesized that juvenile lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) learn stream-specific odors that may guide homing in spawning adults. After defining how and when olfactory imprinting occurs, we are able to inform existing and future restoration strategies that promote recruitment and genetic diversity for populations of lake sturgeon in the Great Lakes.
Financial Report 7.1.22-9.30.22
View - glft_financial_progress_report_7.1.22-9.30.22.pdf |