Restoring Lake Michigan's Globally Rare Ground-Fed Cold-water Streams

Grant: # 1801

Grant Amount: $100,500.00

Board Decision Year: 2018

Conservation Resource Alliance (Traverse City )

Davis, Kira ([email protected]) 2319466817

2018 Habitat Protection and Restoration: Targeted Land and Capital Efforts (Including Barrier Removal) - Habitat protection and restoration

Project Details

Conservation Resource Alliance expanded both its holistic approach to watershed management and its service area by completing a road-stream crossing inventory on the Lincoln River watershed. CRA also worked with project partners at the Mason-Lake Conservation District to stabilize the single largest streambank erosion site in the entire Pere Marquette watershed. CRA also restored complete connectivity to a Pere Marquette tributary, Blood Creek, an intact headwaters and wetland complex valued for its pristine aquatic habitat.

With the success of the Blood Creek project appreciated by the partners and residents of rural Lake County communities, relationships were strengthened and experience gained to tackle the next important restoration needs in the overall Pere Marquette River watershed.


2018.1801 Final Report
View - Blood_Creek_Final_Report-GLFT1.pdf
2018.1801 Photos
View - GLFT_Photo_Report_Lincoln_and_Pere_Marquette_River.pdf