Fostering Great Lakes Stewards from Forest to Fen

Grant: # 1828

Grant Amount: $40,966.00

Board Decision Year: 2019

Huron Pines (Grayling)

Vogelgesang, Emily ([email protected]) 989-448-2293 ext. 15

2019 Great Lakes Stewardship - Other Great Lakes Stewardship

Project Details

Huron Pines provided programming for people of all ages to get them outside and experiencing nature, engaging in habitat management, and contributing to data collection. Huron Pines conducted two program areas for this effort, Experiencing Nature and Habitat Monitoring.

Experiencing Nature consisted of connecting people to nature through events such as snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, nature observation, and water quality sampling.

Habitat Monitoring included trainings about invasive-species removal and monitoring, data-collection protocols, forest habitat monitoring, and rare native plant protection.

  • Experiencing Nature events

    • Eighteen events were held (nine in person and nine virtual) that reached 359 people.

  • Habitat Monitoring events

    • Seven habitat monitoring events were held (three in person, three virtual, one hybrid) that reached 92 people.


View - 2019.1828_Fostering_Great_Lakes_Stewards_from_Forests_to_Fen_Final_Narrative_Report_(1).pdf
View - Be_a_Nature_Detective_Evaluation.pdf
View - Connecting_to_Nature_Evaluation_-_April_and_May_2020.pdf
View - Emily_Min_Hunt_Snowshoe_Outing_February_2020_Evaluation.pdf
View - Invasive_Shrub_Training_Evaluation_2020.pdf
View - Purple_Loosestrife_Training_Evaluation_2020.pdf
View - Vernal_Pool_Monitoring_Evaluation_Summary.pdf