Detroit River Walk Fishing Access

Grant: # 0692

Grant Amount: $254,506.00

Board Decision Year: 2005

Detroit RiverFront Conservancy (Detroit)

Marszalek, Leonard P ([email protected]) 313-567-4281

GLFT - Access to the Great Lakes Fishery-A - Access to the Great Lakes Fishery

Project Details

The Detroit Riverfront Conservancy constructed a three-and-one-half-mile pathway along the Detroit River known as the Detroit RiverWalk. This is a dedicated pedestrian trail that provides recreational use, habitat restoration, and public education. Detroit River fishing access is an important element of the Conservancy's mission. With GLFT funding, the Conservancy provided designated and separated access that caters to anglers. It enhanced two distinct access sites along the RiverWalk that are identified for angler use.


Before photos
After photos
Final Report
View - 2005.0692_FinalReport.pdf