Grant opportunities for which the GLFT is currently accepting proposals are provided below. To access the online application page, click the name of the opportunity (e.g. Great Lakes Stewardship). If the GLFT is not currently accepting proposals, no links will be provided.

2025 Great Lakes Stewardship

Great Lakes Stewardship

The goal of the Great Lakes Fishery Trust’s (GLFT) Great Lakes Stewardship grant category is to increase awareness and understanding of the ecology of the Great Lakes so residents can be advocates for strategies that support long-term sustainability of the Great Lakes fisheries and become stewards of the Great Lakes.

Priority will be given to projects focusing on Lake Michigan and its stewardship by Michigan residents. For projects that involve residents of other Great Lake sin addition to Michigan residents, the proposal should communicate how the project will enhance stewardship throughout the Great Lakes basin, particularly Lake Michigan.

To be considered for funding, these projects must meet the criteria identified in the GLFT Policy on Great Lakes Stewardship Proposals, which can be found on the Resources page at This application guide is directed at such projects.

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2025 Habitat Protection and Restoration

Habitat protection and restoration

The goal of the Great Lakes Fishery Trust (GLFT) Habitat Protection and Restoration funding stream is to preserve essential habitat; protect, restore, and stabilize important fish habitats; and increase habitat availability. This RFP process will be used for the disbursement of up to $750,000 in 2025. The GLFT pursues these efforts through direct investment in specific places with degraded or vulnerable habitat, through connectivity enhancements, and through use of decision-support tools that suggest optimal strategies for investing in habitat. 

The GLFT will only accept submissions online on or before 5:00 PM EST on Friday, February 21, 2025.

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2 Records