GLFT Grant Library
# | Project | Organization | Contact | Status | Amount |
2126 |
Transfer of: Estimation of lake whitefish spawning stock abundance using close-kin mark-recapture
Board Decision Year: 2023 |
Michigan State University - Department of Fisheries and Wildlife (East Lansing) | Homola, Jared ([email protected]) | Active | $236,733.89 |
2080 |
Pentwater Lake - Longbridge Road Pier Improvments
Board Decision Year: 2024 |
West Michigan Shoreline Regional Development Commission | Chabala, Fallon ([email protected]) | Active | $250,000.00 |
2078 |
W Access Road Access Site Development
Board Decision Year: 2024 |
Bay Mills Indian Community - Bay Mills Indian Community (Brimley) | Sprague, Karen ([email protected]) | Active | $125,000.00 |
2076 |
Modernizing LTBB Assessment Vessel Fleet
The Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians (LTBB) is requesting $250,000 in its entirety to replace the Meshenahma research vessel. The Meshenahma is LTBB’s largest research vessel and is critical to program operations in Little Traverse Bay and northern Lake Michigan, but has been out of operation since September, 2023 due to mechanical issues. This special project will enable LTBB to replace the Meshenahma and resume the full scale of assessments of fish communities. Board Decision Year: 2024 |
Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians - Natural Resources (Harbor Springs) | Craven, Doug ([email protected]) | Active | $250,000.00 |
2074 |
Snug Harbor Shoreline Fishing Access Site Renovation
Board Decision Year: 2024 |
Michigan Department of Natural Resources - Parks and Recreation Division (Lansing) | Lincoln, Matt ([email protected]) | Active | $250,000.00 |
2072 |
Advancing Great Lakes Science and Management via Research Vessel Modernization
Board Decision Year: 2024 |
Michigan Department of Natural Resources (Lansing) | Hanchin, Patrick ([email protected]) | Active | $500,000.00 |
2070 |
Lake St. Clair Fish Cleaning Station
Board Decision Year: 2024 |
Lake St. Clair Fish Cleaning Foundation | Felgenauer, James ([email protected]) | Active | $100,529.00 |
2067 |
Crystal River Fish Passage and Restoration Project
The grantee will construct three bridges and install habitat structures on the Crystal River in Leelanau County opening 6.65 miles of tributary habitat to Lake Michigan and restoring habitat along 2,000 linear feet of the Crystal River within the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore. They claim a diverse fishery consisting of Crystal River-based and Lake Michigan migratory smallmouth bass and northern pike, as well as strong seasonal runs of salmon and steelhead, will benefit from restored habitat and connectivity. Board Decision Year: 2024 |
Conservation Resource Alliance - Grandview Plaza Building (Traverse City) | Shook, DJ ([email protected]) | Active | $200,000.00 |
2066 |
Mitchell Creek Railroad Crossing Replacement Project
The grantee claims that, this project will replace an undersized culvert restricting hydrologic flow on Mitchell Creek where it crosses a railroad grade, restoring natural stream function and improving fish passage in this section of creek. Their efforts will focus on replacing the culvert to maintain proper stream dimensions and sediment transport mechanisms, thus improving natural stream function and in-stream habitat. They claim this work will benefit brook/brown/rainbow trout and white/longnose sucker populations, as well as desirable forage fish and macroinvertebrate species. Board Decision Year: 2024 |
The Watershed Center Grand Traverse Bay (Traverse City) | U'Ren, Sarah ([email protected]) | Active | $200,000.00 |
2065 |
Baldwin Dam Removal Final Design and Permitting Phase
The grantee states, the Baldwin River is a significant tributary to the Pere Marquette River, and hosts steelhead, salmon, and brown trout. Through this project CRA and partners will work with an engineering team on design and permits to remove the infrastructure of a deteriorating dam and former fish farm on the Baldwin River, restore a healthy stream channel, incorporate the parallel effort of reconstructing the nearby state-owned railroad trail bridge and install a seasonal sea lamprey barrier. Board Decision Year: 2024 |
Conservation Resource Alliance - Grandview Plaza Building (Traverse City) | Balke, Kimberly ([email protected]) | Active | $115,000.00 |
2064 |
Mill Creek and Small Dam Habitat Inventory
HRWC will conduct a stream-road crossing inventory of the Mill Creek, a highly agricultural cool-water trout stream, using the Great Lakes Road Stream Crossing Inventory Protocol.Simultaneously, HRWC will inventory small dam/road/stream crossings found throughout the fullHuron watershed. HRWC will work with Washtenaw County drain and road commissions to collaboratively develop future restoration targets. HRWC will also reach out to dam owners to gauge interest in future small dam removals. Board Decision Year: 2024 |
Huron River Watershed Council (Ann Arbor) | Steen, Paul ([email protected]) | Active | $43,723.40 |
2063 |
Restoring Fish Passage on Claybank Creek
Trout Unlimited and its partners seek to replace an undersized and failing culvert on Claybank Creek and Pine Creek Road in Manistee County, Michigan. The current culvert is undersized relative to the natural stream channel dimensions, inhibits aquatic organism passage (AOP), and disrupts natural ecological processes. Trout Unlimited and its funding partners, the USDA Forest Service, US FWS, NOAA, and the Manistee County Road Commission have joined an effort to replace this crossing. Board Decision Year: 2024 |
Trout Unlimited, Inc (Rockford) | Bonzo, Matthias ([email protected]) | Active | $200,000.00 |
2056 |
The market and nonmarket value of Great Lakes recreational fisheries
This project will measure the contribution of recreational fishing in the GreatLakes to the economy andsocial wellbeing. This contribution includes market-relatedactivities such as spending on fishing gear andcharter services, aswell as the nonmonetary benefits of fishing to anglers. We propose toquantify bothtypes of contribution using economic valuation methods. Thevalues will help decision makers betterunderstand the consequences ofpolicies that affect conditions in the lakes. Board Decision Year: 2024 |
Frank Lupi - Michigan State University-Deparment of Agricultural, Food, and Reource Economics | Lupi, Frank ([email protected]) | Active | $276,837.00 |
2050 |
Inferring source-specific production of adult Coho salmon to the Lake Michigan fishery using otolith chemistry
We will evaluate the source-specific production of Coho salmon to the Lake Michigan fishery.We have demonstrated that chemical signatures of juvenile Coho salmon otoliths are sufficientlydifferent among Lake Michigan tributaries to assign accurate natal origin. Here, otoliths of adultCoho salmon will be collected and analyzed to quantitatively assess the mixing of stocks in theLake Michigan sport fishery and identify specific sources most supportive of wild and hatcheryCoho salmon production. Board Decision Year: 2024 |
Central Michigan University - Department of Biology and Institute for Great Lakes Research (Mt. Pleasant) | Pangle, Kevin ([email protected]) | Active | $172,340.00 |
2049 |
100% Great Lakes Fish—Developing New Value Chains for the Great Lakes Fisheries
GSGP’s 100% Great Lakes Fish initiative has identified ways to capture the potential value ofcommercially caught Great Lakes fish more fully by more completely using fish carcasses. In thisnext stage, the project team will inventory raw material availability; assess demand for newproducts; create a value chain analysis; assess economic and environmental benefits; and,outline recommendations to drive more value through the fisheries, attract new talent andinvestment, and support rural economies. Board Decision Year: 2024 |
Great Lakes St. Lawrence Governors & Premiers - Great Lakes St. Lawrence Governors & Premiers (Arlington Heights) | Naftzger, David ([email protected]) | Active | $183,098.00 |
2047 |
Provisioning Fisheries: Understanding the Multi-Dimensional Values of Angling for Food in the Lake Michigan Basin
Recreational angling is often viewed as a leisure activity; however, there is an often-overlooked fishing population that relies on this activity for food and nutritional security,socio-cultural expressions, sense of belonging, and income supplements, among otherprovisions. We seek to characterize the needs, motivations, and values of these fishers, andcharacterize the risks, benefits, and barriers they face around Lake Michigan to inform amore holistic fisheries management and risk communication approach. Board Decision Year: 2024 |
Carleton University - Biology | Nguyen, Vivian ([email protected]) | Active | $423,340.05 |
2043 |
Evaluation of thiamine deficiency in lake whitefish as a potential cause of their recruitment failure
This project seeks to evaluate whether thiamine deficiency could affect lake whitefishrecruitment in the Great Lakes region. The specific objectives are to (1) determine thiamineconcentrations in lake whitefish eggs, (2) determine the lethal thiamine concentration thatinduces 50% mortality of lake whitefish embryos, (3) evaluate lake whitefish diet using stomachcontent, stable isotope and fatty acid analyses, (4) relate egg thiamine concentration to lakewhitefish diet, (5) assess lake whitefish prey nutritional quality. Board Decision Year: 2024 |
The Research Foundation for SUNY at Brockport - Scholarship, Research & Sponsored Programs (Brockport) | Merkl, Laura ([email protected]) | Active | $403,982.00 |
2028 |
St. Joseph River Watershed Road Stream Crossing Inventory
The Great Lakes Fishery Trust will be supporting the St. Joseph County Conservation District under the 2023 Habitat Protection and Restoration Program in their efforts to assemble a detailed inventory of road-stream crossings across the St. Joseph River Watershed. Data collected over the two-year survey period will go on to play an essential role in future projects targeting watershed resiliency, habitat restoration, and fishery enhancement throughout the greater Lake Michigan basin. Board Decision Year: 2023 |
St. Joseph County Conservation District (Centreville) | Grace, Carolyn ([email protected]) | Active | $84,934.00 |
2027 |
Upper Thunder Bay River Restoration
Huron Pines and partners will reconnect 20 miles of coldwater habitat, restore natural river processes in the Thunder Bay River, and address road safety and stormwater runoff issues through the replacement of two problematic road/stream crossings with new, channel-spanning timber bridges. The proposed project sites are Lutz Road/Thunder Bay River and Hossler Road/Thunder Bay River, located in Montmorency County, Michigan. These sites were prioritized based on road/stream crossing inventory data collected throughout the watershed. Board Decision Year: 2023 |
Huron Pines (Grayling) | Leisen, Josh ([email protected]) | Active | $196,996.42 |
2026 |
Mona Lake Watershed Road/Stream Crossing Inventory
The Muskegon Conservation District conducted a comprehensive road stream crossing inventory in the Mona Lake Watershed in Muskegon County, Michigan. This inventory is an update to the 2006 inventory and new data will be used to update the 2004 Mona Lake Watershed Management Plan. Past sites were inventoried as well as new sites in order to identify future restoration projects and implement new best management practices (BMP’s). Board Decision Year: 2023 |
Muskegon Conservation District (Twin Lake) | Lawton, Chelsey ([email protected]) | Active | $31,613.92 |
2025 |
Summer Science Explorers of Muskegon
West Michigan Environmental Action Council (Grand Rapids) | Kipfer, Shar ([email protected]) | Active | $43,584.00 |
2024 |
HRWC Youth Education Programming
HRWC’s youth education program consists of four main branches, all of which emphasize science learning and environmental protection for K-12 and college-aged students: aquatic field internships, streamside education, summer learning experiences, and intergenerational monitoring events. At each experience, young people experience grade level appropriate, hands-on, place-based, real life watershed ecology. Board Decision Year: 2023 |
Huron River Watershed Council (Ann Arbor) | Frenzel, Jason ([email protected]) | Active | $50,000.00 |
2022 |
Advancing Great Lakes Stewardship: A Year-long Teacher Professional Development with Inland Seas
Inland Seas Education Association will support a year-long classroom stewardship experience with 30 educators from across the Great Lakes following an immersive, four-day field experience that combines watershed learning with authentic science inquiry and place-based education pedagogy. Educators will implement stewardship action projects with their students over the following school year. A culminating event will bring educators back together to share their work and provide additional support as they integrate this experience into future years. Board Decision Year: 2023 |
Inland Seas Education Association (Suttons Bay) | Sitkins, Fred ([email protected]) | Completed | $77,042.00 |
2021 |
Watershed Academy Expansion
TOMWC will expand the Watershed Academy to further watershed stewardship among area youth. High schoolers will experience place-based, hands-on education through stream monitoring within their watersheds and projects addressing concerns identified in the community’s watershed management plan. Elementary students will learn about their watershed through an after-school program with hands-on activities. A new “Educators Watershed Academy” will provide teachers tools, experience, and a network to help engage students, parents, and community leaders in watershed education. Board Decision Year: 2023 |
Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council (Petoskey) | Baker, Elijah ([email protected]) | Active | $127,270.00 |
2019 |
Marine Debris Stewards
Marine Debris Stewards will foster student learning and leadership through hands-on marine debris investigations and stewardship in northeast Michigan. Using place-based stewardship education, students will explore their local Great Lakes watersheds alongside natural resource community partners, analyze their findings and take action by proposing and implementing system- or community-level changes that help prevent marine debris from entering the Great Lakes. This project will engage 1500+ students and 20+ teachers across 8 northeast Michigan counties. Board Decision Year: 2023 |
Community Foundation for Northeast Michigan - Northeast Michigan (Alpena) | Heraghty, Patrick ([email protected]) | Active | $161,578.20 |
2017 |
Watershed Relations: Community Stewardship and Service for Healthy Fish Habitat
Communities in the Western Upper Peninsula on Lake Superior are increasingly impacted by environmental issues related to coastal storms, shoreline erosion, fluctuations in lake level, and impacts to water quality. Through place-based professional learning, watershed assessments, and student-led stewardship projects, teachers, students, and community partners will explore how these events have implications for fish habitat and fish health thereby reflecting the health of our communities. Board Decision Year: 2023 |
The Western Upper Peninsula Center for Science, Math and Environmental Education - Copper Country Intermediate School District (Hancock) | STROME, CARLA ([email protected]) | Completed | $21,180.00 |
2016 |
Connecting Grand Traverse Regional Youth with the Great Lakes through Recreation and Education
Discovery Center & Pier has partnered with Michigan United Conservation Clubs, Inland Seas Education Association, and the Northwest Michigan Fishing Club to develop the Grand Traverse Youth Fishing Program. Utilizing the newly renovated Discovery Pier on West Grand Traverse Bay, this program will introduce northwestern Michigan youth to the Great Lakes fishery through hands-on workshops which will include Great Lakes food web exploration, basic fishing skills, fish identification, and stewardship. Board Decision Year: 2023 |
Discovery Center Great Lakes (Traverse City) | McDonough, Matt ([email protected]) | Completed | $30,278.02 |
2013 |
Project Quantifying environmental drivers of fish community dynamics across the Great Lakes
Board Decision Year: 2023 |
University of Wyoming - Zoology and Physiology (Laramie) | Fetzer, William ([email protected]) | Active | $150,000.00 |
2012 |
Behavioral investigations of olfactory imprinting to natal odors in cisco Coregonus artedi
Michigan State University - Department of Fisheries and Wildlife (East Lansing) | Buchinger, Tyler ([email protected]) | Active | $249,712.00 |
2009 |
Estimation of lake whitefish spawning stock abundance using close-kin mark-recapture
Lake Michigan stock assessments for lake whitefish suggest an adult abundance peak in the mid-2000’s, with estimates pointing to a steep decline in recent years due to decreased recruitment. We propose to explore this trend and validate current assessment models for a representative stock over the 2000-2018 period using close-kin mark-recapture, a fishery-independent method of estimating adult dynamics using observed kinship frequencies from archived tissue samples. Board Decision Year: 2023 |
University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point - College of Natural Resources (Stevens Point) | Homola, Jared ([email protected]) | Active | $1,508.51 |
2006 |
City of Albion Dams Removal Project
Board Decision Year: 2023 |
City of Albion - City Manager (Albion) | Snyder, Haley ([email protected]) | Active | $150,000.00 |
2003 |
Teaching Great Lakes Literacy: Connecting scientists, educators, and youth through research and data explorations
Board Decision Year: 2023 |
Michigan State University Extension - Michigan Sea Grant | Schroeder, Brandon ([email protected]) | Active | $159,059.37 |
2002 |
Upstream-Downstream Connections in the Lake Michigan Basin (UDC)
West Michigan teachers and their students will gain awareness of the value of their local watershed to human and non-human communities within the Lake Michigan Basin through participation in direct experiences with local waterways. Using a place-based approach to examining the upstream and downstream impact of human interactions and interventions on the watershed, students will work with local environmental partners to design and implement projects focused on improving and protecting the watershed for all. Board Decision Year: 2023 |
Grand Valley State University - Center For Educational Partnerships (Grand Rapids) | Pelon, Clayton ([email protected]) | Active | $64,051.00 |
2000 |
Stony Creek Fishing Access Structure Project
A universally accessible fishing access structure will be constructed on this highly productive and locally treasured cold-water stream with robust populations of brook, brown, and rainbow trout, and strong runs of Lake Michigan steelhead and salmon. Located an hour northwest of Grand Rapids and one-half-hour north of Muskegon, the site offers an easy escape for city residents to access one of the cold-water tributaries that Lake Michigan has to offer. Board Decision Year: 2022 |
Conservation Resource Alliance - Grandview Plaza Building (Traverse City) | Shook, DJ ([email protected]) | Active | $136,500.00 |
1996 |
Carronde Park Fishing Platforms
The project will significantly increase access to shoreline fishing at Carronde Park in St. Joseph Charter Township through construction of two ADA fishing platforms located on the St. Joseph River, sidewalks from the roadway to the fishing platforms, ADA parking spaces that connect to the sidewalks, benches, picnic tables and educational signage. Board Decision Year: 2022 |
St. Joseph Charter Township - Township Manager (St. Joseph) | Cook, Denise ([email protected]) | Completed | $200,000.00 |
1995 |
Grand Rapids Public Museum Riverfront Access
The Grand Rapids Public Museum is reimagining the role of a public museum. Located on the banks of the Grand River, the Museum will construct a welcoming and universally accessible outdoor space that provides educational and recreational opportunities to interact with the river. Anglers will have safe and well marked access to the fishery from created terraces and pathways. Board Decision Year: 2022 |
Grand Rapids Public Museum Foundation - Collections & Education (Grand Rapids) | VanDoeselaar, Katie ([email protected]) | Active | $250,000.00 |
1994 |
PM River Community Access
The Pere Marquette River Community Access site will provide boating and shore-based access to the mouth of the PM River adjacent to PM Highway in the Ludington area. The project addresses long standing safety hazards with people parking along PM Hwy to access this popular salmon, steelhead and resident species fishery. This grant is specifically targeted at funding the shore-based boardwalk and fishing pier structure, which is the major remaining unfunded portion of the project. Board Decision Year: 2022 |
Pere Marquette Charter Township - Parks Commission (Ludington) | Enbody, Rachelle ([email protected]) | Completed | $317,400.00 |
1992 |
Sucker River, Alger County, H-58 road crossing replacement and seasonal sea lamprey barrier construction project
This project will replace undersized, perched culverts at the H-58 road crossing over the Sucker River with a free span bridge to improve fish movement, stream health and connectivity while also continuing to control invasive sea lampreys with construction of a new seasonal sea lamprey barrier upstream in the watershed. This project will restore 20 miles of in-stream habitat year-round and an additional 115 miles of habitat seasonally Board Decision Year: 2022 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission (Ann Arbor) | Freiburger, Chris ([email protected]) | Active | $200,000.00 |
1991 |
Beavertail Creek Restoration
Three road/stream crossings were successfully replaced on Beavertail Creek which restored natural river processes, reconnected 17 miles of upstream coldwater habitat, and improved water quality by reducing erosion and sedimentation. Restoring natural resource impairments, such as habitat fragmentation and water quality degradation, is an important step in the strategy to ensure long-term population persistence of brook trout and other native species in coldwater river systems of northern Michigan. Board Decision Year: 2022 |
Huron Pines (Grayling) | Nowakowski, Amy ([email protected]) | Completed | $100,012.19 |
1990 |
Spanning the Headwaters of the Jordan River
With designs completed, state permits secured, and federal permitting underway, the “Spanning the Headwaters of the Jordan River Project” entails restoration of two severe culvert road/stream crossings, #WA-3 and #WA-5, on the Jordan River by constructing bankfull spanning bridges that provide full aquatic passage from 7 miles upstream to 16 miles downstream, halt the annual input 2022 GLFT Habitat Protection and Restoration: Targeted Lands and Capital Improvements Application 2 2022.1990, Spanning the Headwaters of the Jordan River of 10 tons of sediment from runoff, restore floodplain connectivity, and return natural stream morphology, water temperatures and velocities. Board Decision Year: 2022 |
Conservation Resource Alliance - Grandview Plaza Building (Traverse City) | Balke, Kimberly ([email protected]) | Active | $200,000.00 |
1987 |
In situ evaluation of spawning lake whitefish eDNA detection in Lake Michigan’s Green Bay
Lake whitefish assessments and critical habitat protection are inhibited by an inability to locate open water spawning locations. We propose a pilot project that would assess the potential for using environmental DNA to identify lake whitefish spawning sites in southern Green Bay. Information gained would be operationalized in a subsequent project to parameterize a hydrologic model to identify eDNA points of origin and locate lake whitefish spawning aggregates in open waters of Green Bay. Board Decision Year: 2022 |
University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point - College of Natural Resources (Stevens Point) | Homola, Jared ([email protected]) | Completed | $27,606.23 |
1985 |
More than Water Under the Bridge: Inventory and Viability Assessment of Fish Spawning and Nursery Habitats in the Straits of Mackinac
Board Decision Year: 2023 |
Lake Superior State University (Sault Ste. Marie) | Moerke, Ashley ([email protected]) | Active | $259,047.80 |
1983 |
Protecting and Increasing the Value of the Great Lakes St. Lawrence Commercial Fishery
Current uses for commercially caught whitefish only capture a small fraction of the full potential value of each fish. Overall, the Great Lakes commercial fishery is a tremendously undervalued and underutilized asset. This project will research the opportunities to utilize 100% of the fish carcass that is harvested. By increasing the value of each individual fish, the fishery can be better sustained while critical research and management actions are ongoing to address the population decline. |
Great Lakes St. Lawrence Governors & Premiers - Great Lakes St. Lawrence Governors & Premiers (Arlington Heights) | Naftzger, David ([email protected]) | Completed | $157,558.00 |
1980 |
Trophic and tissue distribution of PFAS in native Lake Michigan fishes
PFAS are the defining aquatic pollutant of the current decade. The myriad sources and types of PFAS entering the Great Lakes demand immediate quantification in native fishes that become part of the human food chain. We will quantify the distribution of PFAS in Lake Michigan fishes occupying different trophic levels and in different tissues. Overall, our research will generate critical results that will assist decision-makers in managing fisheries and emerging contaminants in the Great Lakes. Board Decision Year: 2022 |
University of Notre Dame - Department of Biological Sciences (Notre Dame) | Miranda, Daniele ([email protected]) | Active | $313,108.00 |
1977 |
Fresh Coast Initiative
Freshwater is Michigan’s lifeblood – its greatest resource. The need for meaningful engagement and public awareness surrounding the protection and enjoyment of freshwater is not a new development. MUCC sees a pressing need to improve public awareness surrounding the benefits and threats to the resource and its fisheries. Through hands-on stewardship projects and learn to fish events, MUCC will directly educate youth and their families about the importance of the Great Lakes and its fisheries. Board Decision Year: 2021 |
Michigan United Conservation Clubs (Lansing) | McKeon, Shaun ([email protected]) | Completed | $19,998.00 |
1976 |
Reconnecting the North Branch Boardman River at Broomhead Road
A channel spanning timber bridge has been installed at the Broomhead Road crossing of the North Branch Boardman River replacing a severely undersized stream crossing culvert that created a fish passage barrier and induced excessive streambank erosion. As a result, 30 miles of habitat upstream has been reconnected to 20 miles of habitat downstream benefitting a diverse fishery of brook trout, brown trout, and other nonsalmonid predatory species that now have access to spring fed habitat types in the North Branch that are not found lower in the Boardman River Watershed. Board Decision Year: 2021 |
Conservation Resource Alliance - Grandview Plaza Building (Traverse City) | Shook, DJ ([email protected]) | Completed | $85,000.00 |
1972 |
Dowagiac River Riffle Restoration Project
This project on the Dowagiac River restores natural river processes and significantly benefits fisheries in the Great Lakes Basin. In the southeastern Lake Michigan Basin, there is no comparable cold water river system of this size with its rare high gradient habitat. The riffle and habitat boulders will provide grade control and long-term stability of the river profile, provide spawning material for fish, habitat for macroinvertebrates and slow water pockets for migrating fish to rest. Board Decision Year: 2021 |
Niles City (Niles) | Hamilton, Marcy ([email protected]) | Completed | $100,000.00 |
1971 |
Restoration of Hydrological Function to the Dowagiac River
The Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians (“Pokagon Band”) seeks to restore historic |
Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians (Dowagiac) | Dueweke, Anne ([email protected]) | Completed | $150,000.00 |
1970 |
Marshville Dam Removal
Stony Creek, a third order coldwater stream located in Oceana County, Michigan, is a tributary connected directly (with the exception of Marshville Dam) to Lake Michigan at the lake’s midpoint. The project goal is intended to ameliorate the negative effects of excess sediment bedload, an undersized road/stream crossing, and the presence of a small dam. Board Decision Year: 2021 |
Conservation Resource Alliance - Grandview Plaza Building (Traverse City) | Shook, DJ ([email protected]) | Completed | $50,000.00 |
1965 |
Year Round Stewardship Education Programs at Inland Seas
Inland Seas Education Association (ISEA) will implement year-round stewardship education programs utilizing a newly renovated dorm facility, expanding the organization’s engagement potential beyond what has been limited to a six-month sailing season. Funding is already in place for developing the structure and content of programs, and grant funding from GLFT will allow ISEA to execute pilot programs over the course of 2022-23 and evaluate for long-term success. Board Decision Year: 2021 |
Inland Seas Education Association (Suttons Bay) | Sitkins, Fred ([email protected]) | Completed | $55,750.00 |