# Project Organization Contact Status Amount
1354 Discovering PLACE

This project focused on two themes: 1) Interconnectedness of community, land, and water, and 2) community, water and land can all be recovered and transformed.

Board Decision Year: 2013
The Regents of the University of Michigan - U of M - Flint (Flint) Sanker, Leyla ([email protected]) Completed $144,959.00
1350 Kids Creek Restoration Project

Funding support from the GLFT improved fish habitat and water quality on an impaired tributary to Kids Creek in the Grand Traverse Bay watershed. The Watershed Center worked with the Munson Medical Center to daylight a section of creek on the hospital's new Cancer Center campus by replacing underground culverts and channelized ditches with a natural meandering channel, replacing two street culverts with open bottom bridge structures, installing in-stream habitat and establishing a riparian buffer and floodplain.

Board Decision Year: 2013
The Watershed Center Grand Traverse Bay (Traverse City) U'Ren, Sarah ([email protected]) Completed $100,000.00
1348 Dam Removal and Fish Passage Restoration in Mineral Springs Creek - Lake Michigan Basin

This project remediated a failing dam and a four-barrel culvert crossing in Mineral Springs Creek. The stream is heavily manipulated and multiple fish passage projects are underway downstream of the dam site. Project activities reconnected 1.02 stream miles and 25.3 acres of high-quality wetland habitat to Lake Michigan, directly benefiting seasonal spawning runs of northern pike, suckers and red horse, Chinook salmon, Coho salmon, and steelhead.

Board Decision Year: 2013
Ozaukee County - Planning and Parks Department (Port Washington) Aho, Matt ([email protected]) Completed $49,987.00
1346 Culvert Removals - Brayton Creek at Cleveland Road

The GLFT provided funding support to Oceana County to replace two perched, collapsing culverts on Cleveland Road at its crossing of Brayton Creek. The culverts prevented passage for resident and migratory species in the White River watershed. The failing culverts were replaced with timber bridge spanning the bankfull width.

Board Decision Year: 2013
Oceana County Road Commission (Hart) Dutcher, Lisa ([email protected]) Completed $75,000.00
1343 Menomonee River Fish Barrier Removal Project

The goal of the project was to complete a large scale fish passage and stream habitat improvement and restoration project on the Monomonee River within the Milwaukee Estuary Area of Concern. The project removed five manmade barriers to fish in Milwaukee county, WI. The five channel locations were modified through bioengineering to restore natural hydraulic function and to improve habitat by mimicking the pool and riffle sequences of the natural river system.

Board Decision Year: 2013
Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (Milwaukee) Shafer, Kevin ([email protected]) Completed $25,000.00
1342 Reconnecting Black River Tributaries with Lake Huron

The project restored fish passage to Haynes Creek, as well as another nearby unnamed tributary to the Black River in Alcona County by replacing the perched culverts at the Beaton and Quick Road crossings on Haynes Creek and the crossing on Poor Farm Road.

Board Decision Year: 2013
Huron Pines (Grayling) Ramsdell, Lisha ([email protected]) Completed $46,387.00
1333 Advancing a Great Lakes standard for ballast water discharge

Board Decision Year: 2013
Great Lakes Commission (Ann Arbor) Eder, Tim ([email protected]) Completed $54,079.00
1328 Genetic heritage of naturally produced lake trout in Lake Michigan

Board Decision Year: 2013
University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point - College of Natural Resources (Stevens Point) Sloss, Brian ([email protected]) Completed $102,070.19
1302 Behavior of juvenile lake sturgeon stocked above a hydropower dam

Board Decision Year: 2013
Michigan Department of Natural Resources - Fisheries Division (Marquette) Baker, Ed ([email protected]) Completed $472,361.00
1299 Development of rapid tests for fish health in the Great Lakes and Finger lakes

Board Decision Year: 2013
Cornell University - Office of Sponsored Programs (Ithaca) Kraft, Cliff ([email protected]) Completed $279,046.13
1298 Identification of the natal origin of Lake Michigan steelhead using otolith chemistry

Board Decision Year: 2013
Central Michigan University - Department of Biology and Institute for Great Lakes Research (Mt. Pleasant) Pangle, Kevin ([email protected]) Completed $196,083.82
1293 On-the-Ground and In-the-Water Restoration of the Great Lakes

The project provided capacity-building grants to organizations in eight priority areas across the Great Lakes to help them obtain funds for and successfully implement restoration projects through the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative

Board Decision Year: 2013
National Wildlife Federation - Great Lakes Regional Office (Ann Arbor) Hill, Jennifer ([email protected]) Completed $100,000.00
1291 Gourmet Gone Wild

Gourmet Gone Wild is a program that connects with urban and suburban constituencies and enhances their interest in and support for hunting and angling by building on their interests in gourmet and local foods. This grant enabled the program to to host events focused on eating locally-sourced fish and game through hands-on fishing and cooking lessons for 1,700 young urban professionals.While reaching out to these young professionals, Gormet Gone Wild was able to raise awareness of the connections between the fish on their plate and where it came from, the Great Lakes.

Board Decision Year: 2013
Michigan Department of Natural Resources - Wildlife Division (Lansing) Renton, Taylor ([email protected]) Completed $59,395.60
1289 Great Lakes Leadership Academy Endowment (Challenge Grant)

In alignment with the goals of GLFT’s Great Lakes Stewardship category, the Great Lakes Leadership Academy (GLLA) will prepare a diverse group of leaders to become active, effective stewards of Michigan’s natural resources and advocates for strategies that support sustainability of Great Lakes communities. Participants will learn in non-traditional settings including outdoor experiences and engagement with resource professionals. The GLFT has granted funding to contribute to the GLLA endowment to ensure these leadership development programs continue for future generations.

Board Decision Year: 2013
Michigan State University - Great Lakes Leadership Academy (East Lansing) Pontz, Vicki ([email protected]) Completed $100,000.00
1286 Illustrated field guide to the ciscoes of the Laurentian Great Lakes

Board Decision Year: 2013
Great Lakes Fishery Commission (Ann Arbor) Muir, Andrew ([email protected]) Completed $18,000.00
1282 Envisioning a Chicago Waterway System for the 21st Century - Phase II

The purpose of the project was to advance physical separation in the Chicago Area Waterway System (CAWS) to prevent the movement of Asian carp and other aquatic invasive species (AIS) between the Great Lakes and Mississippi River basins. Specific technical analysis was conducted in two key areas:

1. Defining interim protection measures that can be implemented quickly, using existing infrastructure in the CAWS, to reduce the risk of AIS transfer into the Great Lakes from the Mississippi River basin; and

2. Evaluating technical issues associated with the Mid-System Alternative identified in the 2012 report, Restoring the Natural Divide.

Board Decision Year: 2012
Great Lakes Commission (Ann Arbor) Eder, Tim ([email protected]) Completed $225,000.00
1280 Great Lakes Reporting Project

Michigan Radio will produce and air public radio news reports; develop multimedia and online resources; hold public forums/discussions; and distribute copies of the media work as teacher resources. With an audience of 495,000 weekly Michigan listeners and approximately 107,000 monthly website users, the project will help to bolster the reach and impact of GLFTs Great Lakes Stewardship program.

Board Decision Year: 2012
University of Michigan - The Environment Report (Ann Arbor) Han, Ellen Rinck ([email protected]) Completed $35,000.00
1278 Beaver Island Harbor Development Project

The GLFT provided funding to Saint James Township for engineering services to produce feasibility and design studies to develop a shore-based angling site on Paradise Bay on Beaver Island.


Board Decision Year: 2012
St. James Township (Beaver Island) Haggard, Bill ([email protected]) Completed $15,980.00
1277 City of St. Joseph Boat Launch Enhancements

The purpose of the project was to construct a modern fish cleaning station and restrooms at the City Boat Launch. In addition important improvements were made to the ADA parking and picnic areas at the facility. The new fish cleaning facility is the only one of its kind available to the public in the City of St. Joseph.

Board Decision Year: 2012
City of St. Joseph (St. Joseph) Perry, Derek ([email protected]) Completed $133,288.13
1275 Belle Isle Access to Fishing - South Pier

The south pier site has existing infrastucture in place and new fish habitat will be created later this year to enhance the fishing in this area (GLRI funded). The approach to the pier from the parking lot, however, does not meet ADA requirements and the pier itself is too high to provide adequate fishing access. To improve access to fishing and the newly created habitat, a lowered deck is proposed to be constructed and a new access approach will be built to connect the parking lot to the pier. Railings will be modified to enhance accessibility for fishing and safety to anglers. An interpretive sign is also part of the project and will include information on the history of fishing in the Detroit River.

Board Decision Year: 2012
Michigan Department of Natural Resources - Parks and Recreation Division (Lansing) Lincoln, Matt ([email protected]) Completed $45,686.98
1270 9-mile Point Project

The goal of the 9-mile Point Project was to significantly increase access for Tribal commercial fishermen in northern Lake Michigan by designing and constructing a boat launch adjacent to the Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians commercial fishing zone, on the southwestern shore of Little Traverse Bay. The launch provides safe access and parking for Tribal commercial fishermen and will strengthen the provisions of the 2000 Consent Decree by enhancing harvest, management, and study of commercial fishery resources.

Board Decision Year: 2012
Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians - Natural Resources (Harbor Springs) Donner, Kevin ([email protected]) Completed $275,816.00
1268 Explore the Shores "Arcadia Lake GrebePark Fishing Access"

The GLFT provided funding to upgrade an existing fishing pier, previously funded in part by the GLFT in 2000, to include the development of a fully accessible restroom facility, walkways to connect the pier, restroom, parking and picnic areas as well as education/interpretive signage with a focus on teaching children how to fish. The project also includes a universally accessible kayak/canoe launch that was funded from project matching dollars. All facilities exceed ADA requirements and is consistent with the mission of Manistee County’s Explore the Shores program to provide superior access to water for people of all ages, needs and abilities.

Board Decision Year: 2012
Alliance for Economic Success (Manistee) Ervin, Tim ([email protected]) Completed $48,200.00
1267 The Custer Barrier Free Fishing Access on the Pere Marquette River

The Custer Barrier Free Fishing Access project is the first handicap accessible fishing site on the Pere Marquette River and includes two fishing platforms, a restroom, paved driveway and parking area, boardwalk, sidewalk, bench, educational signage, stone steps with stone platform to the river, runoff control, and streambank stabilization efforts. The project was completed by partners of the Pere Marquette River Restoration Committee, in combination with the removal of a defunct sea lamprey barrier on township property. The site is adjacent to Custer Road, a well-traveled road located off of US-10.

Board Decision Year: 2012
Conservation Resource Alliance - Grandview Plaza Building (Traverse City) Balke, Kimberly ([email protected]) Completed $200,000.00
1262 Coastal Lake Huron Tributary Restoration

Through funding support provided by the GLFT, Huron pines replaced twin 5’ perched culverts with a single-span structure over the Black River that reconnected nearly 18 river miles for aquatic organism passage.

The Black River, located in Alcona County, drains directly to Lake Huron and supports one of the last populations of migratory brook trout in Michigan’s Lower Peninsula. In 2007 Huron Pines staff and volunteers from the Alcona-Black River Watershed Coalition inventoried road/stream crossings within the watershed and identified 39 sites. Of those the Sucker Creek Road/Black River site was ranked as the highest property site for restoration because of the severely perched and undersized culverts and high sediment load from the sandy approaches.

Board Decision Year: 2012
Huron Pines (Grayling) Jensen, Brad ([email protected]) Completed $58,370.11
1261 Reconnecting Lake Huron Fish with Rifle River Tributaries

This project reconnected 12 miles of aquatic habitat and siginficantly reduced sediment loading in the Rifle River watershed through the restoration of four road/stream crossings. Undersized culverts were replaced with appropriately sized and aligned structures at three sites; a timber bridge was used at the forth.

Board Decision Year: 2012
Huron Pines (Grayling) Jensen, Brad ([email protected]) Completed $116,000.00
1260 Carlton Creek Culvert Removal

The Oceana County Road Commission replaced a perched corrugated metal pipe (CMP) culvert under Arthur Road where it crosses Carlton Creek, in Grant Township, Oceana County. The project team also restored the adjacent stream bank to decrease erosion as part of the effort. The restoration of this waterway restored a fish passage from the North Branch of the White River, upstream to its headwaters in New Era, roughly nine stream miles.

Board Decision Year: 2012
Oceana County Road Commission (Hart) Dutcher, Lisa ([email protected]) Completed $85,000.00
1257 Elucidating the role of herd immunity in protecting of Lake Michigan fish against the Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia Virus (VHSV)

Board Decision Year: 2012
Michigan State University - Pathobiology and Diagnostic Investigation (East Lansing) Loch, Thomas ([email protected]) Completed $341,844.00
1250 Finding appropriate harvest policies for admixed fisheries to ensure long term population sustainability of native Great Lake fishes

Board Decision Year: 2012
Michigan State University - Department of Fisheries and Wildlife (East Lansing) Brenden, Travis O. ([email protected]) Completed $151,204.81
1244 Conservation of native fish communities in tributaries to the Great Lakes: Predicting the impacts of contaminants delivered by spawning pacific Salmon

Board Decision Year: 2012
University of Notre Dame (Notre Dame) Chaloner, Dominic ([email protected]) Completed $222,115.00
1243 Delivering stream salmonid trend data to facilitate collaborative management of great Lakes and inland fisheries

Board Decision Year: 2012
Michigan Department of Natural Resources - Marquette Fisheries Research Station (Marquette) Zorn, Troy ([email protected]) Completed $43,109.58
1234 Feasibility of using satellite imaging to remotely identify lake trout spawning sites

Board Decision Year: 2012
Great Lakes Fishery Commission (Ann Arbor) Binder, Thomas ([email protected]) Completed $66,750.00
1230 Movement of Chinook Salmon between Lakes Michigan and Huron

Board Decision Year: 2012
Michigan State University - Department of Fisheries and Wildlife (East Lansing) Clark Jr., Richard ([email protected]) Completed $259,637.94
1227 Youth Policy Summit on Great Lakes Water Resources

The Keystone Center conducted a Youth Policy Summit on Great Lakes Water Resources at Aquinas College in July 2012. The Keystone Center developed a cadre of youth leaders across the state with in-depth knowledge surrounding the multiple demands on Great Lakes water resources. These future leaders were equipped with negotiation and communication skills, and the capacity to develop projects that consider the common interests of multiple stakeholders, while balancing social, environmental, and economic concerns.

Board Decision Year: 2012
Keystone Center (Dillon) Roush, Elizabeth ([email protected]) Completed $10,000.00
1225 Oscoda Beach Park Observation & Fishing Pier

The Charter Township of Oscoda built an 8' wide, 100' long boardwalk leading to a 12' to 14' wide, 300' long observation and fishing pier with handrails and lighting at the Oscoda Beach Park on Lake Huron. Park patrons are now able to hear and see the natural environment in a very similar manner to being in a watercraft without making a substantial investment.

Board Decision Year: 2011
Oscoda, Charter Township of (Oscoda) Richards, Ann ([email protected]) Completed $201,500.00
1224 Fishing Pier Construction, Greilickville Marina/Park

For more than a decade, residents of Greilickville sought a fishing pier. The township’s  Marina Committee voted to design one to be located between the township Marina and its waterfront park. This grant  funded the development of preliminary engineering and design specifications, as well as cost estimates  to construct the pier. To help inform the design and ensure community input, three public meetings were held to solicit community suggestions about pier design.

Board Decision Year: 2011
Elmwood Township (Traverse City) Kelly, Jack ([email protected]) Completed $42,943.39
1220 Manistee Fish Cleaning Station

The City of Manistee, in partnership with the Alliance for Economic Success, constructed a Fish Cleaning Center adjacent to the City of Manistee’s First Street Beach boat launch facility near Lake Michigan that replaced a deteriorating facility with limited access for people with special needs. It will support fish cleaning by thousands of anglers and professional guides who use the site to clean their harvest of a high percentage of the 35,000 migrating salmon and trout species that are landed in the Manistee area each year. The Fish Cleaning Center is part of the Explore the Shores program.

Board Decision Year: 2011
City of Manistee - City Hall (Manistee) Deisch, Mitch ([email protected]) Completed $75,000.00
1219 Michigan Environmental Literacy Plan

The Michigan Environmental Literacy Plan (MI ELP) has been developed to provide those involved in the environmental education of children with common goals and action strategies that can maximize education efforts and results. The implementation of the MI ELP may also address the secondary goals of improving the physical, social, and intellectual health of children by connecting them with the outdoors, nature, and their local community. The MI ELP is designed to meet the eligibility requirements for funding under the federal No Child Left Inside Act of 2013, should it be passed. For more information on the MI ELP and its implementation, go to www.MIELP.org.

Board Decision Year: 2011
National Wildlife Federation - Great Lakes Regional Office (Ann Arbor) Liljegren, Julia ([email protected]) Completed $39,656.00
1218 The Human Dimensions of the Baitfish Industry: Investigating a Vector for Aquatic Invasive Species and VHS in the Great Lakes Basin

Board Decision Year: 2011
Fisheries and Oceans Canada - Great Lakes Laboratory for Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (Burlington, ON CANADA) Mandrak, Nicholas ([email protected]) Completed $18,017.47
1217 Discovering PLACE GLSI Continuation

This project focused on two themes: 1) Interconnectedness of community, land, and water, and 2) community, water and land can all be recovered and transformed.

Board Decision Year: 2011
The Regents of the University of Michigan - U of M - Flint (Flint) Gartner, Danielle ([email protected]) Completed $194,061.43
1216 West Michigan Great Lakes Stewardship Initiative Continuation

This program was designed to develop a generation of knowledgeable and actively engaged stewards of the Great Lakes Watershed.

Board Decision Year: 2011
Muskegon Area Intermediate School District - Regional Mathematics and Science Center (Muskegon) Krebs, Dave ([email protected]) Completed $145,000.00
1215 Southeast Michigan Stewardship Coalition Continuation

This program facilitates school-community partnerships to develop students as citizen-stewards of healthy ecological-social systems

Board Decision Year: 2011
Eastern Michigan University - Office of Research Development (Ypsilanti) Lowenstein, Ethan ([email protected]) Completed $145,000.00
1214 Northeast Michigan Great Lakes Stewardship Initiative Continuation

This project developed a vibrant regional network of school-community partners actively engaged in PBE

Board Decision Year: 2011
Community Foundation for Northeast Michigan - Northeast Michigan (Alpena) Heraghty, Patrick ([email protected]) Completed $200,000.00
1213 Lake Superior Stewardship Initiative Continuation II

To prepare students to be knowledgeable citizens, concerned about the Great Lakes, and actively engaged in stewardship activities that will contribute to the health, restoration, and future conservation of the Great Lakes and their watersheds.

Board Decision Year: 2011
The Western Upper Peninsula Center for Science, Math and Environmental Education - Copper Country Intermediate School District (Hancock) Oppliger, Shawn ([email protected]) Completed $175,000.00
1212 Grand Traverse Stewardship Initiative Continuation I

This program promotes a watershed approach to freshwater stewardship, helping students understand their connection to water in the region, and the need to preserve and protect our natural resources.

Board Decision Year: 2011
Grand Traverse Conservation District (Traverse City) Masterson-Bzdok, Colleen ([email protected]) Completed $245,000.00
1211 Groundswell Continuation 1

This program was designed to create and maintain a strong coalition of community partners to work with students and teachers grades 6-12 to inspire lifelong environmental stewardship, with a focus on the Grand River Watershed in Kent county.

Board Decision Year: 2011
Grand Valley State University - Center For Educational Partnerships (Grand Rapids) Pelon, Clayton ([email protected]) Completed $196,922.52
1210 GRAND Learning Network Continuation Phase III

GRAND learning Network is a network team from MSU that works with teacher leaders who take part in advanced professional development in PBE, Great Lakes content, and school change. They coach other teachers involved in Summer Institutes, foundational PD, and school-community stewardship.

Board Decision Year: 2011
Michigan State University - Community, Agriculture, Recreation and Resource Studies (E. Lansing) Dann, Shari L. ([email protected]) Completed $144,999.00
1206 Great Lakes Aquatic Habitat Framework

This project developed a Great Lakes aquatic habitat database and classification framework that integrates key habitat components to address loca, lake-wide, and basin-wide restoration and management needs. It covers the entire Great Lakes basin, but focuses on coastal and nearshore systems. The tool provides managers with an essential capability to link, map, and prioritize restoration projects in the Great Lakes system and deliver the first consistent geographic framework to integrate and track monitoring, assessment, indicator development, ecological forecasting, and restoration activities across the Great Lakes.

Board Decision Year: 2010
The Regents of the University of Michigan - School of Natural Resources and Environment (Ann Arbor) Riseng, Catherine ([email protected]) Completed $527,229.00
1205 Implementing Successful Restoration in the Great Lakes (HOW Great Lakes Coalition)

The goal of the Healing Our Waters-Great Lakes Coalition (HOW)  was to improve the health of the Great Lakes by addressing historic stresses and preparing new challenges. This project used the GLFT funds to award grants ranging from $8-15,000. It gave local and state non-profit organizations in four priority areas across the Great Lakes regions seed money and capacity building grants to help them successfully implement the components of the Great Lakes

Board Decision Year: 2011
National Wildlife Federation - Great Lakes Regional Office (Ann Arbor) Hill, Jennifer ([email protected]) Completed $200,000.00
1204 Cross Village Portable Boat Ramp

This project funded the construction of an all-metal removable boat ramp that has enhanced tribal and recreational fishing opportunities in the northern tip of Michigan’s Lower Peninsula. The ramp portion is 16’ wide and 50’ long. It is constructed of a metal grid over a rigid frame. It is mounted on tires for easier installation and extraction. There are skid piers on each side that are 5’ wide and 32’ long. The ramp is in use and provides easier access to Lake Michigan for as many as five different fishing boats. A vault toilet also installed on site to improve usability. The project achieved its primary goal of providing a superior boat ramp.

Board Decision Year: 2011
Cross Village Township (Cross Village) Reck, Gene ([email protected]) Completed $120,000.00
1202 Enhancing the success of Great Lakes lake sturgeon restoration through development of standard operating procedures for stream-side hatcheries

Board Decision Year: 2011
Michigan State University - Department of Fisheries and Wildlife (East Lansing) Scribner, Kim ([email protected]) Completed $166,639.00